New Work – The Future of Work?

In the spring semester of 2018, I designed and implemented a first practical colloquium on the topic of “agile self-management and reflection in action” for the bachelor’s programme in communication at the ZHAW. In this context I also talked about “new work”. At that time one of my students completed a communication internship at the Swiss education magazine eduwo. She was very interested in the topic “new work” and asked me if I like to take part in a video interview on this megatrend and answer questions. As a bridge builder, researcher, entrepreneur and coach, I consider “new work” to be one of several central building blocks of Entrepreneurial Storytelling, so I spontaneously agreed. A good colleague and friend, Susanne Mosbacher, human resources expert and entrepreneur (, is also involved. The result is the following video in German language.


About entrepreneurialstorytelling

Birgitta Borghoff, MA, MAS ZFH Creative Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurial Researcher and Holistic Life Coach

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