When you see the sign
follow the divine
path that always shows up inside
when souls strive to express what they feel
and thus foster new business deals
based on authentic intention
while prosecuting true inventions
originating in the courage of the heart
healing the former oneness that once fell apart
when the ego was in power
while the soul withered like an old flower.
Now a new cycle has begun.
And it’s gonna make a lot more
to meet an work together with people from your soul family
an hence arousing humans to grow in the new-born we,
that is more than he, him, her or she.
The celebration of your true intention
now needs a lot more attention
than ever before
in order to never get forlorn
again and destroy the peace on earth.
It’s not worth
it so always feel into your heart before you decide and act.
This alone is always the next step.
(Birgitta Borghoff, 26/27 July 2020)