Brand Storytelling: Mastering the Art of ‘Story Doing’

Is storytelling really dead? 2017 was supposed to be the year that storytelling died. An article on customer engagement trends published by Forbes in late 2016.

‘Less Storytelling, More Story-Doing’. (…) Paradigm Shift in Storytelling. What it means is that while storytelling is very much alive, the storyteller has changed. The brand no longer controls the narrative. Rather, it is the consumer of that narrative, your audience, who decides how the cookie crumbles. You present them with a frame and they fill in the blanks based on their own feelings and experiences. Story-Doing is the new Storytelling.

(Article by Sheran Mehra, Head – Group Strategic Marketing and Communications, DBS Bank, India.)

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About entrepreneurialstorytelling

Birgitta Borghoff, MA, MAS ZFH Creative Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurial Researcher and Holistic Life Coach

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